
Translation of Admin: Icelandic

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Prio Original string Translation
Either the theme CSS file and/or color Overlay file from the selected theme is missing You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Either the theme CSS file and/or color Overlay file from the selected theme is missing

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Warning - The default user group for new members is undefined! Please visit the SP options admin page, members tab and set the default user group You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Warning - The default user group for new members is undefined! Please visit the SP options admin page, members tab and set the default user group

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Warning - The default user group for guests is undefined! Please visit the SP options admin page, members tab and set the default user group You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Warning - The default user group for guests is undefined! Please visit the SP options admin page, members tab and set the default user group

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Warning - There are no usergroups that have members! All forums may only be visible to SP admins You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Warning - There are no usergroups that have members! All forums may only be visible to SP admins

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Warning - There are no usergroups defined! All forums may only be visible to SP admins You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Warning - There are no usergroups defined! All forums may only be visible to SP admins

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Warning - There are no permission sets defined! All forums may only be visible to SP admins You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Warning - There are no permission sets defined! All forums may only be visible to SP admins

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Warning - There are no usergroups with members that have permissions on forum You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Warning - There are no usergroups with members that have permissions on forum

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This forum may only be visible to SP admins You have to log in to add a translation. Details

This forum may only be visible to SP admins

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WP Super Cache is not properly configured to work with Simple:Press. Please visit your WP Super Cache settings page and in the accepted filenames & rejected URIs section for the pages not to be cached input field, add the following string You have to log in to add a translation. Details

WP Super Cache is not properly configured to work with Simple:Press. Please visit your WP Super Cache settings page and in the accepted filenames & rejected URIs section for the pages not to be cached input field, add the following string

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Then, please clear your WP Super Cache cache to remove any cached Simple:Press pages You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Then, please clear your WP Super Cache cache to remove any cached Simple:Press pages

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Simple:Press - Help Options You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Simple:Press - Help Options

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For contextual help with Simple:Press, click on the Help buttons/links located on each administration panel You have to log in to add a translation. Details

For contextual help with Simple:Press, click on the Help buttons/links located on each administration panel

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For Simple:Press information, troubleshooting, how-to, administration, our API and more, please visit our You have to log in to add a translation. Details

For Simple:Press information, troubleshooting, how-to, administration, our API and more, please visit our

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Simple:Press Codex You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Simple:Press Codex

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If you cannot find your answer and need extra help, please visit our You have to log in to add a translation. Details

If you cannot find your answer and need extra help, please visit our

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