Welcome To The Simple:Press Translation Project
If you already know the drill, just click the Access Translations button below. Otherwise, you should read the rest of this page!

Translations For The Simple:Press Forums Plugin
But you still need to learn how to access the files, download them from our site, rename them and upload them to your site. The resources on the right (or below if you’re on mobile) will help guide you through the process. However, if you know what you’re doing, click below to go straight to the projects page.
1. Introduction
Start by getting an overview of how translations and localization work in Simple:Press
2. The Nitty Gritty Details
Now that you’ve read the introduction, time to read the nitty gritty details.
3. Translations For Core
Errata and Notes
4. Translations for Plugins
5. Themes
6. Contribute
Customer Highlights

Translations For Simple:Press Forums Plugins – Easy As 1…2…3…
- Read the instructions above
- Access the projects page
- Download your translation files
Learn More
If you’re interested in translations for the Simple:Press Forums Plugin, it probably means that you need to translate more than Simple:Press.
Learn the basics of WordPress translations: WordPress Codex
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